
Showing posts with the label NTB

NTB – An Investment your bank may not want you to know about?

2021 Update on Nigerian Treasury bills(NTB)  The strategies mentioned below no longer work for individuals unless you are an institutional investor and the yield has not been impressive in recent times. However some banks and mutual funds still operate it for individuals by putting the money together and investing as a single entity. Introduction I once had a long talk with an old friend, trying to catch up on what he has been up to and we started talking about the stock market, the economy and other related matters. He told me how he was able to grow some cash deposits made by his uncle in his bank over the years in spite of all the economic downturn.   At the time when he received the cash deposits, he was just a newly employed bank staff and needed the deposits to keep his job.   With his position at the bank and his burning passion to add value to the funds entrusted to him he was able to find ways of growing the funds considerably. He went on to explain that ...